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Однако увеличение груди давно стало нормой в сфере пластической хирургии. Благодаря текущему состоянию исследований и медицинским возможностям, вы можете реализовать свои пожелания и идеи с минимальным риском.Наши хирурги и вся команда будут рядом с вами от первой секунды до нескольких лет после вашего лечения. Наши хирурги являются одними из лучших в Турции и провели более 5000 операций.
Вы одна из тех женщин, которые страдают от формы или размера груди?
Classical Massage Course Osh Medical Institute 2005
East Carolina University, Kuala-Lumpur University of Science and Technology East Malaysia, Osh State University, Chine Agricultural University: “Virtual International Studies”. Osh state University April 18 2006
Turkish Learning, Research and Application Center (TOMER) 11.09.2006-22.06.2007 Turkish Society of Surgery “Basic Surgery Training” 23.05.2009
EPCD “Winter Meeting” 26-27 December 2009
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association 15th National Congress 15-16 January 2011
8th Cerrahpaşa Plastic Surgery Days: “Flap Surgery” Symposium 27-28 May 2011 Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons 1st National Congress 29 April - 01 May 2011 Istanbul International Rhinoplasty Course 22-24 June 2011 Istanbul
Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 33rd National Convention
14-18 September 2011 Izmir
Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association V. Rhinoplasty Course 10-12 May 2012 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Ankara
9th Cerrahpaşa Plastic Surgery Days: “Facial Reconstruction” 1-2 June 2012 Istanbul
“4th international Eurasian Aesthetic Surgery Course” 16-19 June 2012 Istanbul
Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 34th National Convention
31 October-4 November 2012 Antalya Rixos
“Hair Transplant Course” participant certificate 31 October 2012 Antalya Rixos.
41 PRECD National Convention 26-30 October 2019 Samsun, Turkey.
14th National Wound Congress 12-15 December Antalya, Turkey
14.Prof. Dr. Rıdvan Ege Hand Surgery Course, Advanced Course 6-7 December 2019. Ege University Faculty of Medicine 20 May Lecture
With the decision of the Executive Board of Higher Education dated 03.06.2009, diploma equivalence was granted.
Working experience
2007-2012 Istanbul Faculty of Medicine – Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery and Hand with Microsurgery İstanbul/Turkey
2012-2013 Kolan British Hospital - Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist Nicosia / TRNC
2013-2016 Clinic Chief of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department of the Ağrı Training and Research Hospital- Ağrı/Turkey
2016- 2018 Clinic Chief of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department of Dumlupınar University, Evliya Çelebi Training and Research Hospital Kütahya/Turkey.
2018-2020 Asst. Professor and Head of Departmen f the Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgery Department of the Kütahya University of Health Sciences.
• 2020- Now Asst. Professor and Head of Department of the Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgery in the Başakşehir Çam ve Sakura City Hospital.
Scientific Publications
A. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
● E Hocaoğlu, SV Kuvat, B Özalp, A Akhmedov, Y Doğan, E Kozanoğlu, FS Mete, M Erer. Foreign body penetrations of hand and wrist: a retrospective study. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg., 2013;19:58-64.
● ZU Bali, E Sır, A Ahmedov , L Aydemir, M Güngör, A Aksoy. A novel method to prevent complications of nasal osteotomy: matress suture which traverses lateral walls and septum.Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2015;25(6):324-8
● Yavuz Keçeci , Zulfukar Ulas Bali, Anvar Ahmedov & Levent Yoleri. Angular artery
island flap for eyelid defect reconstruction. Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery Pages. 1-5. Punlished online: 05 Aug 2019
● AhmedovA, Aras B, Sevim M, Aksu İ, Kabay Ş. A Fournier’s Gangrene Case Due to Misplaced Urethral Catheter and Urethroplasty with SaphenousVein and Singapore Flap. JReconstrUrol2018;8(2):61-4
● Fatih Oghan, Muhammet FatihTopuz, Anvar Ahmedov. Reconstruction of Nasal Defects in Patients with Non-Melanocytic Skin Cancers. İnt Open Acce Otolary 2019; 3(1):1-5
● Zulfikar Ulas Bali, Anvar Ahmedov, Burak Özkan, Mustafa Mazican, Yavuz Keçeci. Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap for Closure of Sacral Defects after Pilonidal Sinus Surgery. Turk J Plast Surg 2019;27:9-13.
● Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:
● A Ahmedov, Y Ahmedov. Descriptive Characteristics of Women Applying to the Obesity Center and Our Clinical Experiences. International and national Internal Medicine Nursing Congress 2019 Çeşme, İzmir (Full text oral presentation).
● Y. Ahmedov, A. Ahmedov. Determination of fall risks of patients hospitalized in the emergency department. International and national Internal Medicine Nursing Congress 2019 Çeşme, İzmir (Poster statement).
● A Ahmedov. Retrospective analysis of postoperative complications in maxillofacial fractures. Erciyes University International Dentistry Congress 2019 Kayseri,Turkey. (Full text oral presentation)
● Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals:
● Aydin A, Meyzin I, Serin DA, Ahmedov A, Bicer A. The satisfactory effects of the other operations with carpal tunnel operation of the same hand. Hand Microsurg. 2012; 1(2): 43-48.
D.Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
E Hocaoglu, SV Kuvat, A Ahmedov, B Özalp, E Güven, M Erer., 32. National Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. within the conference “32. National Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.” “An Overview of Foreign Body Penetration of the Hand and Wrist and Examples of Our Interesting Cases” in the proceedings booklet, E22 pp., Trabzon, Turkey, September, 2010. (Presentation)
Ulaş Bali, Emin Sır, Anvar Ahmedov, Melike Güngör, Alper Aksoy, Ahmet Seyhan. “Splintless Rhinoplasty”. 36th National Congress of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association. Istanbul, Turkey, 29 October -1 November 2014. Congress Book: p.48(Free Paper)
Atakan Aydın, İbrahim Meyzin, Anvar Ahmedov, Derya Aytop Serin, Ahmet Biçer, Metin Erer, Safiye Özkan, Zeynep Hoşbay. “The Effect of Carpal Tunnel Operation on the Same
Hand and Other Operations Performed Together on Patient Satisfaction”. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. 12. National Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Congress. 19-22 May 2010, Antalya. Congress book: P-55 p.80 (Oral Presentation)
Dr. Atakan Aydin, Dr. Sevgi Kurt Author, Dr. Ibrahim Meyzin, Dr. Anvar Ahmedov, Dr. Yunus Dogan. “Treatment Options in Hypoplastic Thumb”. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 33rd National Convention. Çeşme Sheraton Hotel – İzmir.14-18 September 2011. Congress Book: OP-072 p.70. (Free Paper).
Anvar Ahmedov, Yeşim Ahmedov, Burcu Özdemir. A Retrospective Study on the Clinical Characteristics and Wound Conditions of Pressure Injured Patients Over 70 Years of Age Treated in the Intensive Care Unit and Followed Up by Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery for 1 Year. 14th National Wound Congress 2019 Antalya,Turkey. (Oral Paper)
E. Posters presented at congresses:
Ulas Bali, Anvar Ahmedov. “Repair of a Patient with Saddle Nose Deformity with Septal Cartilage Graft”. Ağrı State Hospital Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Ağrı. 36th National Congress of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association. Istanbul, Turkey, 29 October -1 November 2014. Congress Book: P394 p.130( Poster)
Dr. Huseyin Elbey, Dr. Ibrahim Meyzin, Dr. Anvar Ahmedov, Dr. Burhan Ozalp, Dr. Atakan Aydin. “Palmaris Longus Tendon with Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Origo (A rare case report)”. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 33rd National Convention. Çeşme Sheraton Hotel – İzmir.14-18 September 2011. Congress Book: PP118 p.110(Electronic Poster)
Burak Ozkan, Ulas Bali, Anvar Ahmedov. “Sociodemographic Evaluation of Patients Operated for Carpal Tunnel in the Province of Pain”. Ağrı State Hospital Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Ağrı. 38th National Congress of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association. Antalya Gloria Hotel 27-30 October 2016. Congress Book (Poster).
Anvar Ahmedov, Sermin Umay Tok, Furkan Karabulut. Does the positive effect of epidermal growth factor on diabetic foot arteries provide sufficient blood flow for free tissue
transplantation? Process tracking with doppler usg. 14th National Wound Congress 2019
Antalya,Turkey.(Poster )
Anvar Ahmedov, Sercan Simsek, Furkan Karabulut. Skin Involvement in Multiple Myeloma:
A Case Report. 14th National Wound Congress 2019 Antalya,Turkey.(Poster)
Anvar Ahmedov, Furkan Karabulut. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma with rare large-scale
skin involvement. 41st PRECD Congress 2019 Samsun, Turkey. (Poster presentation)
Anvar Ahmedov, Hasan Emre Aydin. A case of local recurrence and metastasis of
basosquamous ca in a black patient. 41st PRECD Congress 2019 Samsun, Turkey. (Poster
Anvar Ahmedov. Rare benign skin appendage tumor – Spiradenoma. 41st PRECD Congress
2019 Samsun, Turkey. (E-Poster)
F.Book. Book editor or chapter author published by international publishing houses
Anvar Ahmedov. Part 1. Anatomy of Orofacial Pain. Akademisyen Kitabevi 2019. Multidisciplinary Approach to Orofacial, Head and Neck Pain.
Anvar Ahmedov. Chapter 11. Pain Management of Maxillofacial Surgery in Oral Area Pain. Akademisyen Kitabevi 2019. Multidisciplinary Approach to Orofacial, Head and Neck Pain.