Миллионы женщин сегодня страдают от заниженной самооценки из-за формы или размера груди. Вы жаждете перемен, увеличения груди, что повысит вашу уверенность в себе и поможет вам чувствовать себя хорошо с кожей. К сожалению, стоимость и возможные риски операции означают, что многие женщины не решаются на этот шаг и, таким образом, остаются недовольны своим собственным телом.
Однако увеличение груди давно стало нормой в сфере пластической хирургии. Благодаря текущему состоянию исследований и медицинским возможностям, вы можете реализовать свои пожелания и идеи с минимальным риском.Наши хирурги и вся команда будут рядом с вами от первой секунды до нескольких лет после вашего лечения. Наши хирурги являются одними из лучших в Турции и провели более 5000 операций.
Вы одна из тех женщин, которые страдают от формы или размера груди?
Dr. Akgun Demir was born in Istanbul in 1987. After graduating from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, she completed her specialization in Istanbul at the University of Health Sciences for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. She made a lot of experience all around the world (Havard Medical School and Charité Berlin and many more)
Aesthetic Surgery Clinic
2013 University of Health Sciences, Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital - Istanbul, TURKEY
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery resident
2010 Medical Doctor Degree Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine
2004 High School Diploma, Cumhuriyet Science High School
Professional and Society Memberships
- Turkish Society of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
- Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Derneği) International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Associate Member
- Fellow of European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery
- Private practice Istanbul, Turkey (July 2021 - to date)
- Gaziosmanpasa Taksim Training and Research Hospital Istanbul, Turkey (June 2019 - July 2021)
Position: Plastic Surgeon, Obligatory Public Service
- Sanakliniken Düsseldorf, Germany (November 2019) Position: Visiting plastic surgeon
- Bilecik State Hospital Bilecik, Turkey (April 2019 - May 2019) Position: Plastic Surgeon, Obligatory Public Service
- Akademikliniken Stockholm, Sweden (January 2017 - March 2017) Position: Plastic Surgery Fellow
- Eyup Public Health Center Istanbul, Turkey (November 2012 - August 2013) Position: General Practitioner, Obligatory Public Service
- Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, USA (January 2012) Position: Visiting elective student, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, USA (June 2010- July 2010) Position: Visiting student, Orthopedic Surgery
- Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore, USA (June 2010) Position: Visiting student, Ophthalmology
- Charité Benjamin Franklin Campus Berlin, Germany (June 2009) Position: Visiting student, Cardiology
Teaching Experience:
- Breast Reconstruction Course at the 42nd National Congress of the Turkish Society for Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery
- Faculty at the 4th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Microsurgery / 8th National - Congress of the Turkish Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery
- Weekly presentations to the colleagues about main plastic surgery and hand surgery topics performed at Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital throughout the residency
Trainings / Courses:
- 11th School for Plastic Surgery Residents, 2018, Antalya, Turkey
- Use of Experimental Animals Certification Training Course, 13th Edition, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
- Turkish Society of Plastic-Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 10th Rhinoplasty and 3rd Facial Aesthetics Course, 2017, Edirne, Tur- key
- 48th International Course for Flap Raising & Microsurgery, 2016, Bochum, Germany CHU Brugmann Microsurgery Course, 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Kuran I, Akgun Demir I. Techniques based on scar in breast reduction. Savacı N, editor. Meme Küçültme. 1. Baskı. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. P.49-54.
Yildirim E, Kayadibi Y, Bektas S, Ucar N, Oymak A, Er AM, Senturk A, Akgun Demir I. Comparison of the efficiency of systemic thera- py and intralesional steroid administration in the treatment of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. The novel treatment for granuloma- tous mastitis. Ann Ital Chir 2021;10.
Akgun Demir I, Sirvan SS, Hascicek S, Ozdemir C, Karsidag S. Comparison of the effects of topical ebselen, propolis, and steroid applications on acute radio dermatitis: Preliminary results. J Acad Res Med 2021;11(1):11-16. doi:10.4274/jarem.galenos.2020.3936
Akgun Demir I, Karsidag S. Scoring systems in major extremity traumas. Intech Open. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.85290.
Sirvan SS, Akgun Demir I, Irmak F, Sevim KZ, Dagdelen D, Kurt Yazar S, Karsidag S. Posterior arm perforator flap for axillary recon- struction after hidradenitis suppurativa excision. Plastic Surgery. First published: February 21, 2019. doi: 10.1177/2292550319826087.
Sirvan SS, Akgun Demir I, Irmak F, Dagdelen D, Sevim KZ, Ozagari A, Karasoy Yesilada A. Comparison of venous repair results using either arterial or venous grafts in a crush-avulsion injury model. Turk J Med Sci. 2019;49:435-441.
Sirvan SS, Akgun Demir I, Irmak F, Kafi M, Budak K, Karsidag S. Does wide excision biopsy in skin cancer prevent finding the real sentinel lymph node? J Invest Surg. 2019;20:1-7.
Irmak F, Sirvan SS, Demir IA, Sevim KZ, Yazar M, Yesilada AK. Management of the hand tumors. Turk J Plast Surg 2018;26:103-109. Montemurro P, Demir IA, Cheema M, Hedén P. Exploring the genetic role of capsular contracture in three family generations with a case report and a literature review. Aesthet Surg J. 2017;38:6-9. PMID: 29091998
Yuce E, Yazar M, Akgun Demir I, Karasoy Yesilada A, Yucel AF. Importance of functional airway surgery in orthognatic surgery per- formed patients. Turk J Plast Surg 2017;25:97-102. doi: 10.5152/TurkJPlastSurg.2017.2068
Sirvan SS, Sevim KZ, Sonmez MM, Akgun Demir I, Dagdelen D, Irmak F, Kurt Yazar S, Karsidag S. Soft tissue reconstruction with reverse flow sural flap in pilon fractures. The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital, 2017;51:102-108. doi: 10.5350/ SEMB.20170328044424
Sirvan SS, Dagdelen D, Akgun Demir I, Cezairlioglu MA, Sezer HB, Karsidag S. Utilization of arterial grafts in foot replantation. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech. 2017;3:44-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jvscit.2016.11.002 PMID: 29349374
Dagdelen D, Sevim Aytug KZ, Akgun Demir I, Yucel AF, Cezairlioglu MA. A Different approach in digital replantation: Pulse oximetry. Turk J Plast Surg 2016;24: 221-222. DOI: 10.5152/TurkJPlastSurg.2016.1999
Dagdelen D, Akgun Demir I, Sevim Aytug KZ, Sirvan SS, Yucel AF, Hacikerim Karsidag S. Plastic surgery as a problem-solving surgery. Turk J Plast Surg 2016; 24: 185-189. DOI: 10.5152/TurkJPlastSurg.2016.2056
Sirvan SS, Akgun I, Sevim KZ, Dagdelen D, Yenici O, Karasoy Yesilada A, Yazar M, Kiyak MV. Sentinel lymph node biopsy for skin tumors. The Medical Bulletin of Şişli Etfal Hospital 2016;50:220-227. doi: 10.5350/SEMB.20160613040356
Sirinoglu H, Certel F, Akgun I. Subacute massive edema of the submandibular region after frenuloplasty. J Craniofac Surg. 2013;24:74. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0b013e3182700e8a. PMID: 23348346
Yuce E, Sirvan SS, Akgun Demir I, Eren HI, Karsidag S. Coexistence of gynecomastia and Poland syndrome: case report. The Med- ical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital. DOI: 10.14744/SEMB.2017.29494
ISAPS World Congress, September 2022
Poster presentation “Chest wall contouring in trans men and gender fluid people” Istanbul Live Regenerative Surgery
Multispecialty Course, March 2022
Speaker in Wound Healing Session “SVF assisted fat grafting in soft tissue defects”
Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 43rd National Convention, November 2021
Speaker (Faculty) in Breast Course “Management of breast reconstruction complications - Nipple areola necrosis” ISDS, July 2021
Speaker in Rhinomodulation webinar “Percutaneous rhinoplasty: Patient selection, indications and technique” Scars 2021, May 2021
Speaker (Faculty) in Fat Grafting & Flaps session “Stem cell-enriched fat grafting in the treatment of atrophic scars” Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, 42nd National Convention, October 2020
Speaker (Faculty) in Breast Course “Direct-to-implant breast reconstruction” Breastanbul, October 2020
Poster presentation “Reconstructive management of a giant malignant phyllodes tumour with an augmentation mastopexy technique”
International Congress on Occupational Accidents, Hand Injuries and Amputations, April 2019
Short paper presentation “SPY Angiography Practice in Our Clinic” Breastanbul, October 2018
Poster presentation “Treatment of post-latissimus doors flap reconstruction pain with single injection paravertebral nerve blocks”
• Turkish (native), English (advanced), German (advanced)