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Dear visitor,

We would like to point out that an operation always involves risks. Every body is different and reacts differently. Of course we try our best to avoid complications. 

Of course, the preparation and aftercare in your home country are also important for an optimal result. Of course, we will also advise you after the procedure and take care of you. 

Here you will find some preparations and also the risks for your upcoming operation.

And please don't forget that surgerythe last wayshould be when no other measures are possible.

  • A stomach reduction can bring you closer to your desired weight. Nevertheless, the procedure requires a certain amount of discipline from you. You must now be particularly careful about what you eat and, if necessary, take supplements.


  • A few months before the stomach reduction surgery, you should establish a healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced diet and regular exercise.

  • Quit smoking at least eight weeks before your procedure. Not only does it have a negative impact on your immune system and thus wound healing, it also increases the risk of thrombosis, infection or ulcer formation, for example.

  • You should stop taking any blood-thinning substances at least 10 days before the stomach reduction surgery. These are contained in aspirin, sleeping pills or painkillers, garlic, alcohol or ginkgo. Talk to your doctor about alternatives.

  • Take care of your skin in the area where the incision for the stomach reduction will be made. It should be intact, clean and dry.

  • Your doctor will give you precise nutritional instructions just before the surgery. Usually, the day before the stomach reduction surgery, you only drink clear liquids. 

  • On the evening before the operation, you should not eat anything after midnight. Your stomach must be completely empty at the beginning of the procedure.

  • Shower again on the day of the operation, but do not use creams or lotions. Also remove all jewelry.


You will probably stay in the hospital for a few days for observation after a stomach reduction surgery. As a rule, you can return to work after two to four weeks. If your procedure is not covered by health insurance, you must submit vacation time for this period.


  • Your stomach needs to recover after the operation, so soups, teas and water will be the main items on your menu. You can eat solid food again after about 10 days.

  • In the near future we will find out whether you may have developed food intolerances as a result of the stomach reduction. So pay close attention to what you eat and how you react to it.

  • Due to the fact that you can eat significantly less food, nutrient deficiencies are very likely after the stomach reduction surgery. Here you will have to resort to appropriate supplements. In addition, your blood values must now be checked regularly.

  • In addition to your diet, exercise is also important for your healing process. About eight weeks after the stomach reduction, you can start with light training, which you gradually increase. Suitable sports include walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, gentle strength training and dancing.

  • Your mental state also affects your healing process. Get in touch with like-minded people with whom you get on well and can exchange ideas. There are also organized groups that meet regularly to motivate each other.


The greatest risks in the operations are wound healing disorders, thrombosis, resulting pulmonary embolism and necrosis if the healing process is disturbed. Please be sure to follow the instructions of the doctor and your supervisor!!

Hotel for patient and accompanying person including meals

Hospital stay (if necessary) for patient and accompanying person

All transfers included for patient and accompanying person

Required medication (if necessary), also for follow-up treatment

24h support in German, English, Arabic or Russian by your side

All documents including doctor's letters (treatment also on DVD)

Further services according to your wishes

Contact us today and receive without obligation  your individual,
tailor-made offer for you.

Brustoperationen: Verfahren


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